The following are snapshots taken from various spots around my town. I have decided to make this entry a small photo essay of sorts with minimal commentary, as many of these pictures speak for themselves. One thing I should point out here is the colour of the sky in many of these pics. Apparently there is a health-hazardous, uber-disgusting
meteorological phenomenon here that descends upon the peninsula every spring and turns the sky a rancid shade of ass.
A beautiful sunny dayIf you thought the aesthetic was unpleasing, just wait ‘till you hear about the havoc this toxic air has wreaked on my respiratory system. More on that later; for now, just enjoy the pics.
Where Southwestern Ontario meets Northern Michigan
Keep in mind this is supposed to be suburbia (sorry about the quality)
The view from space.(If you type "Suji-gu, South Korea" into Google Earth/Maps, you can locate this part of town) Many more pics to come.
what's the night life like???
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